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Our innovative tooling design brings many efficiency benefits to the user of PA’s tray sealing machines.

Lightweight split tooling improves ease of loading, moving and storage of tools when not in use.

Silicone material heater mats improve heat up time by 75% and are robust in a wet environment.

Quick release cutting blades can be replaced in seconds to increase uptime in case of damage.

The top tool contains individual sealing blocks or pods which can be quickly and easily removed for blade or heater mat changes, a spare pod can be used or the machine can continue to operate without a pod if required reducing downtime.

Tool storage and handling

To protect your investment in tooling we recommend PA tool storage racks which are designed to suit the tools you purchase with your machinery and prevent damage to them in a busy and sometimes harsh production environment.

Tool pre-heat

In order to improve overall performance and reduce downtime during change-overs, a pre-heat station can be added to the tool storage rack.

Tool loading

For heavier tooling we also recommend the use of a tool loading jig, this is a mandatory Health and Safety requirement for some tools.

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Our tooling is designed to be efficient both in use and also when it needs some attention in the workshop.


Keeping your tooling profiles clean and sealing rubber in good condition ensures production targets have the best chance of being achieved.


Blade and heater mat replacement is easy and requires minimal tools.  Check out how easy it is with this video.

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Pre-heat station - Prepare your tooling ready for efficient change overs, minimise downtime. 

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Tool Loading - Take the strain out of loading tools, easily manoeuvre multiple tools at once. 

1 montgomery close parkgate industrial estate knutsford cheshire WA16 8XW UK

HEAD OFFICE        +44 (0) 1565 755000 

SALES                      +44 (0) 1565 756555

SPARES                   +44 (0)  1565 756558

1 Montgomery Close

Parkgate Industrial Estate



WA16 8XW

United Kingdom

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